Drawing: Nicole Gäumann uniE534

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The stan­dar­di­zed pic­to­ral type­face was ori­gi­nally deve­lo­ped for the data ana­ly­sis and visual com­mu­ni­ca­tion of archaeo­lo­gi­cal finds and fin­dings. Rea­li­zing the poten­tial of the type­face, we deve­lo­ped over 400 more picto­grams for other domains.

The con­cept of Diglû is ori­gi­nally the result of a practice-based research pro­ject. The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) project was deve­lo­ped in colla­bo­ra­tion with the University of Bern, Near Eastern Archaeology and the University of the Arts Bern in the research area Knowledge Visualization.

Diglû ena­bles archaeo­lo­gists to visua­lize data and to augment charts, maps and text easily by inte­gra­ting icons. The picto­gram font repla­ces abstract num­bers or let­ters of geo­me­tric forms by vivid ima­ges. Diglû helps archaeo­lo­gists to commu­ni­cate more accu­ra­tely through a fas­ter know­ledge trans­fer and a bet­ter com­pre­hen­sion of com­plex topics.

Room 102

Diglu (di-ig-lu) means in Akkadian «eyesight, sight, vision, mirror» from dagālu «to look».

Drawing: Jonathan Gerber

Archeological representation of objects.


Archaeological site Sirkeli Höyük in Turkey.

Archaeological Research Project at Sirkeli Höyük, Turkey

In Use: Auf dem Kleinf­und­foto sind  Gefässe sicht­bar, die auf einen Raum mit Lehm­bo­den zwecks Lager-haltung schliessen las­sen. Neben dem Ofen, bei der Kera­mik­kol­lek­tion, lie­gen Tier­knochen sowie zwei Perlen­ketten. Die hel­le­nis­ti­schen Ter­ra­kot­ta­fi­gu­ren und die Web-gewichte, sowie die Reib­steine lie­gen nörd­lich der Stein­mauer.




    uniE0AB

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    uniE0AD

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Harris Matrix

                                          

Architecture Plan

Representation Activity Function Administration Housekeeping